"The Gift of Gab" 20"w x 16"h |
"Spring Cardinal No. 1" 4"w x 4"h |
Today's painting titled
The Gift of Gab features a theme that always brings a smile to my face. Birds looking towards one another as if in conversation. their beaks and feathers spiked on top of their heads is a natural arrow, directing the eye. From purely a visual standpoint, I've enjoyed painting the cardinal as the bright red captures your eye even from a distance and I find people talking about the cardinals probably the most of any theme I've worked with. From a more personal view, the collection of birds on the canvas could be my response to the long quiet hours in the studio. Part of me loves the quiet solitude, part of me longs for fellowship and that's the life of the artist. Like it or not, the you have to learn to embrace the quiet solitude as it's here where the thoughts and ideas come from. I suppose I'd better stop before I get too deep and introspective. :) My plan is to alternate between cardinal compositions and landscapes on the blog for the next couple weeks to keep it interesting.
Please stop back soon ... I'm off to the quiet solitude. TGIF. -A
Please contact Sivertson Gallery in Grand Marais, MN for more information on today's pieces.
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