Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In Progress

Over the last couple of months most of my time has been spent on packing and unpacking boxes as I've moved and not had too much time for painting. :( Now that we're settling in to our new home, my easel is set up and the brushes are out and fresh canvases are being prepped for painting. This 2' x2' Apple Blossoms painting is in progress and will be finished this week. This photo, taken from my built in camera on my Mac, shows the composition of the work as well as the basecoats. I'm getting close to finishing the flowers, leaves and branches and the majority of the finishing details will be in the background of the painting. (Most artists paint the background first but this painting didn't turn out that way, and I'm excited to see the finished product emerge on the canvas.)

I'm looking forward to getting back in the groove as I have a show coming up in September that I'll be preparing for. I'm thinking the show will focus on seasons and how there is beauty in every season in nature and in our lives. Some people don't deal well with change but I'm dealing better with the change of moving ... now that I have a brush in my hand and a canvas on the easel. :)
Please stop back as new work will be posted weekly. God bless.

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