We took a nice evening hike through the rocky creek bed of upper Lincoln Park yesterday and I snapped up as many photos as my camera could hold. The sun was setting and the shadows and deep colors were so peaceful and beautiful that it was difficult to leave. Sometimes I forget how blessed we are to live in such a place surrounded by rugged wilderness that has remained for the most part untouched. I've been thinking about the direction for my next series of paintings and I've found myself drawn to compositions that feature bluestones with maples, birch and pine trees growing above the rocks. I suppose the rocks anchor the composition, much like the foundation of a house, but I'm drawn to the subtle shades of blue I see in the rocks featured in these photos.

When I view art, I always want to know why the artist chose the subject matter. It is rare to speak to the artist and usually the closest you can get to an explanation is the artist's statement. That's where the internet comes in handy, to offer a place for explanation and inspiration. I'm drawn to what I choose to paint because the subject matter connects with me emotionally and I try with every painting to capture the feeling I had when I viewed the subject matter.

I'm excited to begin a new series. I can't wait to pick up the brushes and begin the creative process all over again. After I dropped off my work at The Vanilla Bean for my show, I spent a few days quietly thinking about where to go next, and while the next series may be similar to 'Twilight Maples', it will incorporate new elements that will stretch me as an artist, and I feel ready for the challenge. In the meantime, enjoy a few inspiration photos, these photos offer a glimpse into where my work is heading. Please stop by soon to view the new works as they come off the easel. -A
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