Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Lake Superior Sky

duluth painter, duluth artist, painting of lake superior, painting of birch trees rocks, aaron kloss
Today's painting is titled A Lake Superior Sky and measures 20x16, acrylic on canvas. Lake Superior is 'the view that never gets old' if you ask me. I enjoy venturing down to the big lake with the family to explore beaches and experience the waves crashing against the shore. People drive for hours to visit the lake, we walk a few blocks. It's something I don't take for granted, and something that becomes the subject of many a painting. Have a great Tuesday.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Frost Cardinals Nos. 1-3

Just a few frost cardinals recently brought in to Lizzards Gallery for a frosty Monday. We received 6 plus inches of fresh snow yesterday here in Duluth, MN. Now I'm off to shovel before the snow freezes. Have a great week! -Aaron

Friday, December 2, 2016

All the Colors of Autumn

All the colors of autumn by duluth artist aaron kloss, painting of fall maples, painting of autumn color, painting of autumn lake, pointillism, exploremn, visitduluth

All the Colors of Autumn is the title of this colorful new 36x24 acrylic on canvas recently brought in to Lizzards Gallery in Duluth. I painted the lake in the foreground a deep blue to make the colorful tree reflections pop off the canvas. This continues my series of reflections which focus on memories and how can be fuzzy and bit distorted, but the memories are also a reflection of who we are. Deep thoughts for an artist who isn't quite awake yet today. Have a great weekend! All my best, Aaron